November 2021










Located at the Old Schoolmaster's House, Edenvale Heritage Precinct, Pinjarra. 

Our volunteers are there to greet you on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11 am – 3 pm, or by appointment.


The aim of the Historical Society is to research, collect, maintain and share stories of the Murray District that stretches from North Dandalup to Coolup, from West Murray to Dwellingup – and including the vibrant town of Pinjarra.  We have a well maintained local history library, interesting displays and a large collection of photographs, documents, and display books.


We also have a strong membership of enthusiastic people and are always looking for additional members to join us.  If you have a love of history, in particular of the Murray District, or if you have information to share, please visit us.  And if you like what you see, consider becoming a member of our group.  Our general meetings with a guest speaker are open to visitors.  Other events, including bus trips, are available to members.  All visitors are welcome to browse our collections during our ‘open’ hours or by appointment.



PINJARRA GARDEN DAY held on Sunday, 17th October 2021

Once again Garden Day in Pinjarra brought many visitors to Edenvale Precinct – in fact the Murray District Historical Society welcomed 101 visitors through the Old Schoolmaster’s House!

A wonderful day was enjoyed by all.


NOTE:    for All interested persons and All Members

Programme of coming events includes:



  • Sunday, 7th November 2021 – 10am-2pm

Community Bank Fun Day @ Edenvale

So much FREE Family Fun to be had!

On the 7th of November 2021, from 10am to 2pm, Community Bank Pinjarra will be hosting a FREE Family Fun Day at Edenvale Homestead.
There will be Food Trucks, Rides, Live Music and Face Painting.

In December 2021, Community Bank Pinjarra will have achieved 20 years of service to the Pinjarra Community – and we’d like your help to celebrate!




(Excerpts from information resourced and collated by Sheila Cullinane MDHS)


Albert Thompson Smedley and his wife Georgina arrived in Western Australia aboard the ‘Ormonde’ from Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, England in 1928. They established the Smedley Butcher shop in Pinjarra in 1928. Situated opposite the Premier Hotel Pinjarra

Trove – S.W.A. Friday 24th February, 1928

“Pinjarra received a decided fillip to the number of her population by the arrival of the H.M.S. ‘Ormonde’ from England on Tuesday. Our new arrivals, who reached Pinjarra on Wednesday by the morning train from Perth, were Mr. & Mrs. Smedley and their two daughters; Mrs. Smedley, wife of Mr Donald Smedley and her two children, and an Aunt of the popular ‘Don’ and Keith Smedley, who have been in Pinjarra for some considerable time. We extend the hand of welcome to our kin from the Homeland to the Sunny West.”

Trove – S.W.A. Friday 24th February, 1928

(in part only):

Smedley Motto – Orders entrusted (to Smedley) will receive careful attention and prompt despatch. Cleanliness and Civility will be our motto. Only Prime and Fresh Meat Sold.

Trove – S.W.A. Friday 3rd October, 1930

Local and General – A feature of this establishment is the very fine home cured bacon. The price of rashers are 1s 6d and cuts from 1s 3d. The brawn made at this shop and retailed at the low price of 10d per lb. is a rare treat, the firm pays freight on all orders of 4s and over, but cash must accompany each order. All orders are executed with utmost dispatch. It is a proud boast – and one that could be well followed by other businessmen, especially, and residents of the town – that they support local industry, not by parrot cry, but by actual practice of buying and dealing in all things locally. It will well repay housewives to give this firm a call, and they will then be able to satisfy themselves that Smedley’s prices more than compare with other firms.


Note: There is so much more to read on the Smedley Family

The entire publication above can be read at the Murray Districts Historical Society.


At the Old Schoolmaster’s House in Henry … Come and look through the House as there is much more history to see and learn about!


Do you have an interest in the history of Pinjarra and the Murray Districts?

If you would like to become one of our volunteers, please advise Jill on 0408 846 567 or by email


Follow our monthly articles in the Community Newspaper for more information about the history of Pinjarra and the heritage buildings of the Murray District.  And we always welcome any stories or photos you are willing to share with us.


And we welcome new members.

For information about the Murray Districts Historical Society, its membership and its activities, please contact

Anne Cubitt – Secretary


For assistance with research or general questions about local history, contact Merv Beacham on 0417 986 838, or Val King on 0458 673 608


For more photos and stories of the rich history of the Murray, look at our Website or visit us at the Old Schoolmaster’s House within the Edenvale Heritage Precinct.


You can also Like us on Facebook here


We are grateful to all of our Sponsors, Supporters and our Volunteers

and we look forward to All Visitors during 2021.


Murray Districts Historical Society • Old Schoolmaster's House, Henry Street • Edenvale Precinct • Pinjarra Western Australia